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Acronym Antics are the initials that come together to form a profound or simply funny phrase. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear, so the acronym is a way for the reader or wearer to not only figure out what the acronym means but also come to discover it's meaning in their own time under their own self discovery. Either way each acronym with offer a laugh, slef reminder, or an epiphaniy within it's letters just when you need it the most!

I.F.L.Y. Acronym Antic Style translates to I. F.reaking L.ove Y.ou

Whether it's your own acceptance and self love that needs a boost, the reminder for someone else to love themselves with all of their being, or just a way of telling those you adore you love them, I.F.L.Y. is the perfect acronym to do it with!

I.F.L.Y. Hoodie

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